
Creating Awesome Platformer Games with the Unity3d Corgi Engine

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corgi engine unity asset store

Platformer games have a timeless appeal that captures the hearts of gamers of all ages. From classics like Super Mario Bros. to modern indie hits like Hollow Knight, the platformer genre has consistently delivered thrilling gameplay experiences. If you’re a game developer thinking about creating your own platformer game, you’re in luck. The Corgi Engine is here to make your journey smoother, more efficient, and more enjoyable.

The Essence of Platformer Games

Before we dive into the wonders of the Corgi Engine, let’s take a moment to appreciate what makes platformer games so special. At their core, platformers are about precise control, clever level design, and the joy of exploration. Players navigate a world filled with platforms, obstacles, and enemies while controlling a character with distinct movement mechanics.

Creating a successful platformer game involves several key elements:

  1. Character Movement: Fluid and responsive character controls are paramount. Players should feel like they have complete control over their character’s actions, including running, jumping, and even wall-climbing.
  2. Level Design: Crafting levels that challenge and engage players is an art. From carefully placed platforms to hidden secrets, great level design keeps players coming back for more.
  3. Enemies and Obstacles: Platformers thrive on variety. Players encounter different types of enemies and obstacles that require creative solutions to overcome.
  4. Power-Ups and Abilities: Many platformers feature power-ups that enhance the player’s abilities, providing new gameplay experiences and a sense of progression.
  5. Visuals and Audio: The art and sound design contribute significantly to a game’s atmosphere and appeal. A captivating visual style and a fitting soundtrack can elevate your game.

Introducing the Corgi Engine

Now, let’s talk about the Corgi Engine. Developed by More Mountains, the Corgi Engine is a Unity asset designed to streamline the development of 2D and 2.5D platformer games. Here are some reasons why it’s the best asset for aspiring platformer game developers:

1. Rapid Prototyping

The Corgi Engine provides a robust and customizable character controller that can save you countless hours of coding and testing. With just a few tweaks, you can create a player character that runs, jumps, and interacts with the world seamlessly. This means you can focus more on designing levels and refining gameplay mechanics, rather than reinventing the wheel.

2. Easy Level Design

Designing levels is a breeze with the Corgi Engine. It offers tools for generating platforms, creating parallax backgrounds, and implementing camera follow systems. These features empower level designers to bring their ideas to life quickly. Whether you’re crafting a whimsical world or a challenging platforming gauntlet, the Corgi Engine has your back.

3. Built-in Enemy AI

One of the standout features of the Corgi Engine is its built-in support for creating enemy AI behaviors. You can easily define enemy movement patterns, attacks, and interactions with the player. This allows you to create diverse and engaging enemy encounters without diving deep into complex code.

4. Power-Ups and Abilities

Platformer games often feature power-ups and unique abilities that keep gameplay fresh and exciting. The Corgi Engine simplifies the implementation of these elements, making it easier to create transformative power-ups and character upgrades. Want your character to double-jump, shoot fireballs, or turn into a giant? The Corgi Engine makes it achievable.

5. Multiplatform Support

In the world of game development, reaching a wide audience is crucial. The Corgi Engine is designed to work on various platforms, including mobile devices and consoles. This flexibility ensures that your platformer game can find its way into the hands of players across different devices and platforms.

6. Documentation and Tutorials

Learning a new tool can be intimidating, but the Corgi Engine eases the process with extensive documentation and tutorials. More Mountains provides valuable resources that guide you through every aspect of the engine, from installation to advanced features. These materials are a treasure trove for both beginners and experienced developers.

7. Active Community

A thriving community can be a game-changer for any game development tool. The Corgi Engine has garnered a dedicated user base, which means you’ll find forums, support channels, and user-generated content to help you along your journey. Whether you have questions or want to share your achievements, you’ll find a welcoming community ready to assist you.

Case Studies: Successful Games Powered by Corgi Engine

To showcase the capabilities of the Corgi Engine, let’s take a look at a few successful platformer games that have used it:

1. “Woodle Tree Adventures” by Chubby Pixel

“Woodle Tree Adventures” is a charming 3D platformer that feels like a love letter to classic games like “Super Mario 64.” It’s a testament to the versatility of the Corgi Engine, which is typically associated with 2D and 2.5D platformers. The engine’s adaptability allowed the developers to create a delightful 3D experience while maintaining precise controls and enjoyable gameplay.

2. “Ayo the Clown” by Cloud M1

“Ayo the Clown” is a heartwarming 2D platformer that won the hearts of players with its adorable protagonist and whimsical world. The Corgi Engine’s character controller played a pivotal role in bringing Ayo to life, offering responsive movement and dynamic animations that fit perfectly with the game’s lighthearted tone.

3. “UnMetal” by Franfistro

“UnMetal” is a clever action-adventure platformer with a humorous take on the stealth genre. The Corgi Engine enabled the developer to create tight, responsive controls that are essential for stealth gameplay. The engine’s features allowed for smooth character movement, precise enemy interactions, and intricate level design.

Tips for Getting Started with the Corgi Engine

If you’re eager to dive into platformer game development with the Corgi Engine, here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Study the Documentation

Before you begin, spend time reading the engine’s documentation thoroughly. Understanding the core concepts and features will empower you to make the most of the engine’s capabilities.

2. Follow Tutorials

Start with basic tutorials provided by the Corgi Engine’s documentation and community. These tutorials will guide you through setting up your project, creating a player character, and building a simple level.

3. Experiment and Customize

Don’t be afraid to experiment with the engine’s settings and parameters. Customization is one of the strengths of the Corgi Engine. Adjust character physics, create unique enemies, and design levels that reflect your vision for the game.

4. Join the Community

Engage with the Corgi Engine community. Whether you have questions or want to share your progress, the community can offer valuable insights and support.

5. Play Other Platformers

Playing other platformer games, both classics and contemporary titles, can provide inspiration and help you understand what makes a platformer engaging. Analyze their level design, character controls, and pacing to enhance your game’s quality.


Creating a platformer game is a rewarding endeavor that requires dedication, creativity, and the right tools. The Corgi

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